Set your preferred fee amount, and we’ll execute the transaction when network conditions align with your preferences. Welcome to smarter transfers.
Free yourself from the need to store and fund cryptocurrency solely to pay for gas. Use a universal token to cover gas fees for stablecoin transfers. One Token. Any Network.
Still, double-checking wallet addresses? DMaple replaces complicated addresses with simple email-based transfers, ensuring your cryptocurrency reaches the right destination while preserving your privacy.
Receive cryptocurrency payments directly to your bank account without delays. Enjoy automatic conversion at a great rate, making every transaction simple and seamless.
DMaple makes sending cryptocurrency as simple as using your bank. No special knowledge, no extra steps—just smooth, intuitive transfers.
Sign up and learn more about how sending cryptocurrency is as easy as sending a message
Streamline transactions with a business account. Accept payments, automatically deposit funds into your bank account, grant account access to employees, and effortlessly manage cash flow—all seamlessly synchronized with popular accounting software for financial tracking.